Monday, July 2, 2012

Time Management... and/or.... Quality of Life

Despite what science says about having more hours of sunlight in the day since it is summer, it seems that there are never enough hours in a day and our days are getting shorter and shorter. Reports due, sales quotas needing to be met, checking out the latest on Facebook, picking up the kids from daycare, chores around the house... 24 Hours just doesn’t seem to be enough! And sleep? What about it? It used to be a requirement of getting a solid 8 hours of sleep. I’m lucky if I get 6 hours, TOPS!

Through all the hustle and bustle, the one thing we should all remember, the one thing that is most important is our quality of life. Without that, what do we have? Just meaningless odds and ends, chores and errands, reports and quotas. Our quality of life is what drives us to wake up tomorrow morning. It is what makes us strive to be better and excel at what we do. So when you start to feel overwhelmed, stressed, can’t take it anymore, not enough hours in the day, just stop yourself for a minute and do one simple thing... BREATHE!!.... It will all be ok and you will get through it. You’re already in a stressed overwhelming situation; you might as well make the best out of it!

And if not, bust your ass and get it done so you can move on to the next meaningless task!!!

And to cut some of the fat, here are five things that waste time at work!!!

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